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Mexican Bills

Research Grants

  1. The World Bank, South Asia Gender Innovation Lab Grant (December 2022) study the lowand volatile attachment of women to paid work and the impact of the Pandemic (with SowmyaDhanaraj)

  2. Emergent Ventures research grant (by invitation), Mercatus Centre, George MasonUniversity, US (November 2022) to write a review article on Causes and consequences of FemaleLabour Force Participation in India (with Sowmya Dhanaraj).

  3. APU External Research Grant (March 2021) to work on Informal employment in India:Dynamics, Determinants and Welfare Implications (with Sowmya Dhanaraj and Sankalp Sharma)•

  4. Emergent Ventures research grant, Mercatus Centre, George Mason University, US (April2020) to work on circular migration in India (with Sowmya Dhanaraj)

  5. The AIM – AMA Sheth Foundation grant (2019) for research on ‘Consumer Decision Makingabout Financial Products: How Chit Funds offer dual options’ (Sridhar Samu)

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